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Belt Self-Balancing Correction Device Belt Self-Balancing Correction Device Belt Self-Balancing Correction Device
Belt Self-Balancing Correction Device

This device automatically corrects belt misalignment and is unaffected by harsh environments such as dust, moisture, and debris. The belt self-balancing correction device mainly consists of a correcting outer cylinder, a correcting inner cylinder, a self-moving pivot shaft, a self-moving rotary shaft, a rotary seal assembly, a sleeve seal assembly, an outer cylinder made of polymer materials, and side rollers. The correcting outer cylinder rotates around the correcting inner cylinder, with the diameter of the self-moving pivot shaft being smaller than the inner diameter of the correcting inner cylinder, allowing the pivot shaft to swing around the self-moving rotary shaft within the correcting inner cylinder. When the belt deviates to one side, the friction force on the deviating side increases, causing the correcting outer cylinder to swing in the direction of belt movement, applying a corrective force in the opposite direction to return the belt to the center position.

Belt Self-Balancing Correction Device
Belt Self-Balancing Correction Device
Belt Self-Balancing Correction Device
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