
>   Projects   > MPGC Coal Handling & Storage System
MPGC Coal Handling & Storage System
MPGC Coal Handling & Storage System
MPGC Coal Handling & Storage System
MPGC Coal Handling & Storage System
MPGC Coal Handling & Storage System
MPGC Coal Handling & Storage System
MPGC Coal Handling & Storage System
MPGC Coal Handling & Storage System
MPGC Coal Handling & Storage System
MPGC Coal Handling & Storage System
MPGC Coal Handling & Storage System
MPGC Coal Handling & Storage System
MPGC Coal Handling & Storage System
MPGC Coal Handling & Storage System
MPGC Coal Handling & Storage System
MPGC Coal Handling & Storage System
MPGC Coal Handling & Storage System

Location: Bataan, Philippines

Client: San Miguel Corporation

Scope of Work: Engineering, Supply, Construction & Commissioning of Coal Handling & Storage System starting from the conveyor underneath the ship unloader until to boiler coal bunker, including relevant auxiliary equipment, electrical & instrument, transfer tower steel structure, and coal yard etc.

Handling Material: Coal

Conveying Capacity: 1500t/h,700t/h

BW of Conveyor: 1400mm,1200mm

Storage Yard Type: Long-span arch coal yard

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ASC CFB Coal Handling System

Project Location: Banten, Indonesia

Project Owner: Ha-Tihn Steel Corporation

Status:Completed in 2018

Scope of Work:Engineering, Supply & Construction of Conveyor System,including relevant auxiliary equipment, electrical & instrument, and transfer tower steel structure etc

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